In the end, members of the CHNetwork come from every conceivable background. “After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no man could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.” (Revelation 7:9)
“As my friends would ask me, ‘George, what did you find in the Catholic Church?’ my answer is always the same: sheer beauty! It’s beautiful. Her saints. Her faith. Her liturgy… Her devotions. Everything about her is beautiful.’
– Deacon George Butterfield
- Anabaptist 14
- Anglican & Episcopalian 296
- Atheist/Agnostic 230
- Baptist 267
- Calvinist 44
- Christian Science 4
- Church of Christ 55
- Eastern Orthodox 11
- Eastern Religions 26
- Buddhism 12
- Hare Krishna 4
- Hindu 10
- Evangelical 367
- Calvary Chapel 12
- Christian and Missionary Alliance 8
- Church of God Anderson, IN 3
- Dispensationalist 1
- Emergent Church 1
- Evangelical Free Church 14
- Evangelical United Brethren 1
- Full Gospel 1
- Jesus Movement 2
- Local Church/Lord's Recovery 1
- Nazarene 23
- Non-Denominational 131
- Vineyard Christian Fellowship 10
- Worldwide Church of God 2
- Fundamentalist 24
- Jehovah's Witness 16
- Jewish 59
- Life-long Catholic 56
- Lutheran 144
- Messianic Jewish 7
- Methodist 177
- Mormon 30
- Muslim 20
- New Age/Occult 35
- Pentecostal 168
- Plymouth Brethren 4
- Polish National Catholic 1
- Presbyterian & Reformed 228
- Quakers 6
- Reverts to the Catholic Faith 259
- Salvation Army 5
- Schismatic Catholic 1
- Seventh-Day Adventist 14
- Theist 1
- Unitarian 9
- United Church of Canada 1