Comments on: A Protestant Historian Discovers the Catholic Church A network of inquirers, converts, and reverts to the Catholic Church, as well as life-long Catholics, all on a journey of continual conversion to Jesus Christ. Wed, 14 Feb 2018 22:42:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lane' Rovito Wed, 14 Feb 2018 22:42:00 +0000 In reply to Lane’ Rovito.

Yes well I’m I don’t have no argument ation it’s just the written history of all the church and all the prophets and all the people and I am Jewish and I can confirm the authenticity of every Prophet even written in Judaism because they’re what you Protestants call Step2 it in on a stablished written bible by Greek and Qall that existed before Christ well sorry didn’t happen there was no Septuagint It Was Written in the major population of the those times couldn’t mess producer to all the time and people in only stayed in the hands of the very few not until 1800s

By: Lane' Rovito Wed, 14 Feb 2018 22:40:00 +0000 In reply to Lane’ Rovito.

Yes I’m also an orthodox Jew I found out not to this Blood thing but quarter percent so I’m kind of broken up Albanian Italian and Greek so pretty much straight people all the way direct down from the Old Testament in it and don’t say history cuz you know there just wasn’t any Evangelical are we there are we

By: Lane' Rovito Wed, 14 Feb 2018 22:39:00 +0000 In reply to Lane’ Rovito.

You know what this automatic thing is it’s only English that’s all you evangelicals understand here it’s it’s a white Anglo-Saxon Protestant invention of the 20th century you know like like you’re a bunch of little children and you can just like go to all these written works and just tear them up and pour Kool-Aid all over them and you know just rip them off walls and have big bonfires and you know burn all these works and Tucker all these boy I mean personally I haven’t seen any Evangelical Christians you know walking up to the clergy that you know go to cuddle churches on meeting times but they’re there now in the last 25 30 years so you know

By: Lane' Rovito Wed, 14 Feb 2018 22:38:00 +0000 In reply to Mike S Clifford.

Well it pretty obviously that all the established scripture and all the prophets and all the theologians you know what it took to make the Bible you know. You don’t back there you know you go backwards away from the electronic mess radio in primitive TV and mass mass printing press you find out that there’s no body of Christ just mainly only in Europe originated from all the way down to the original King James Bible you had a real Church all in North Africa Southwest Asia all of Eastern Europe and you know I Tire of the Evangelical Church that oh they’ve got the magic automatic all-conquering box that you can conquer everybody that believes the Coptic Orthodox Tamela by Tamara bite

By: Stephen Tue, 06 Feb 2018 04:16:00 +0000 This is probably the first article I’ve ever read by someone that was in a Protestant church to say faith alone and scripture alone are protestant in a broad cultural sense. I don’t think I’ve ever met a single Christian that thinks that way, even well-studied ones. Faith alone for salvation sure, but certainly not transformation. It’s very hard to structure a faith that persists around an empty gas tank with no real understanding of God. Scripture is considered the primary reference based on the belief that it is God’s inspired word through chosen people, but the personal relationship with Christ, and respect for teachers is present in the Christian church too. While Luther is a mere man with plenty of flaws, such as anti-semitism, his work did spread the Bible throughout many parts of Europe and served as a turning point for Western Civilization to become what it is today and allowed the body of Christ to be more “universal” than ever. Any body that seeks to consolidate power to man and tie Christ’s work to its history in a spiritually authoritative way claims exclusivity on Jesus. Even Mormons, Adventists, and other groups do that. If accepting Christ as savior and being forgiven isn’t enough, then we are in the way of Christ’s work. Certainly any sincere acceptance will lead to development and growth as the Lord convicts, otherwise the acceptance is chaff in the wind. However, church history I have lot more studying to pursue. I am curious about the Catholic Church links its start to the Bible. I’ve already looked into Matthew 16:18 and found it doesn’t sync there, and that bishops weren’t a designation of spiritual authority or a term of a specific position. I need an honest look at Catholic history from a historian and to study church doctrine though. I do relate than I am after truth more than anything else.

By: Abraham V. Llera Wed, 01 Nov 2017 05:49:00 +0000 In reply to Fr. Jim.

Interesting, “Fr. Jim.” How about we discuss your claimed “nuanced vierw of ‘merit’ among Protestants” which you claim David Anders woefully did not undertand? I may not have your sterling credentials, but I will try to give you a robust discussion.

By: Abraham V. Llera Wed, 01 Nov 2017 05:00:00 +0000 Thank you very much.

By: Mihela Fri, 27 Oct 2017 18:52:00 +0000 I felt more ‘alive’ and yet humble after reading this. I only want to say that it was so refreshing to read something as deep and as meaningful as your article, especially in the context of all the garbage that is served to us. I am always a proud Catholic, but today, after reading this, even more so I know I am on the right ‘boat’. God bless you and your family. Long live the Catholic faith!

By: Noel Voos Thu, 12 Oct 2017 01:21:00 +0000 I give thanks to God for your conversion, and the gift of knowledge he has bestowed on you – because I have found it instrumental in solidifying the truth that I came to know about Mother Church some 9 years ago when I was confirmed and received in the Church, having grown up in the Lutheran church.

Soli Deo Gloria!

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